Friday, May 15, 2009

Congo Partnership Week

Just as Congo Partnership week arrives, we look at the exciting events Indiana churches have planned for Rev. Ilumbe (Principal Supervising Pastor of the Mbandaka District) and his wife Rosette (President of the Partnership Committee in the DRC). As we learn of the difficult steps that must be taken for them to come and visit us - more than two months away from home just to get papers and permissions to travel, and that's before they arrive for 5 weeks in the US - we are truly humbled that they will make this sacrifice to visit us. It is such good news to know of all the plans to make this exchange meaningful.
- One church is learning phrases in Lingala in order to communicate better when Rev. Ilumbe and Rosette visit them
- Two church camps are making plans to include them in their programs
- Numerous church dinners are on the schedule
- There will be several home and farm visits
- They will experience a real 4th of July celebration
- A number of you will use the Congo Connection for your Vacation Bible School program this summer And the list goes on (soon to be posted on this page, so you can catch a program if you do not have them scheduled at your church). One of the gifts the Mbandaka Disciples have given us is an enhanced awareness of how important hospitality is to a Christian; it is clear that many of you are receiving that gift.
DON'T FORGET to mark you calendars for 5:15 pm on July 2, so you can be at the Indianapolis International Airport (south baggage claim
area) to welcome Rev. Ilumbe and Rosette. Be ready to sing; bring balloons (NOT permitted in the Common Space upstairs, they need to be downstairs), signs of welcome or identifying your church, flowers - whatever says "Welcome" to you. And if you can, let someone at the regional office know how many are coming with you.