Monday, November 2, 2009

A Congo Week Celebration

A member of First Christian Church, Fayetteville, AR shared with me how their congregation celebrated Congo Week this October. This is an outline of that week:

Sunday – A guest preacher from the Division of Overseas Ministries preached at both worship services. That message brought to light what a “wilderness” experience so many Congolese are going through right now.

Monday - Viewing of the documentary called “Reporter,” which tells the story of the current conflict in the Congo. Following the film, a member of the church who grew up in the DRC answered questions about his personal experiences.

Tuesday – A day long prayer vigil was held in the sanctuary.

Wednesday – Young and old participated in the “Cell Out,” where cell phones were turned off and a message was placed on voice mail explaining why the phone was turned off and how Congo is being affected by our cell phones. (Want to learn more? Go to

Thursday – Members gathered for a fellowship supper to share a Congolese meal.

Funds were raised over the week to be split between a personal project within the congregation and to help with the rebuilding of the Bolenge Hospital. This week made a difference for the members of FCC and for our brothers and sisters in Congo. Awareness was created. Minds were opened. Prayers were offered. People have been changed!

Thank you First Christian Church of Fayetteville, AR for sharing this celebration with us!