Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Here is an update from Oscar Pekombe on the current situation in Congo. Oscar works in the General office of the Disciples of Christ Community in the Congo and is the Secretary for the Partnership Committee of the Mbandaka District and the Indiana Region.

Translation of his message provided by Gene Johnson in Illinois:

We thank the Lord Almighty for the opportunity for us to contact you about the situation in Mbandaka. Easter 2010 was a terrible experience and unusual to Mbandaka.

While we were in worship April 4, Enyele insurgents arrived at a private port of Mbandaka to head to the Government buildings of the Provincial Assembly and finally the airport. Soon, our Armed Forces were reorganized for the attack at the airport with the support of UN forces. It was 5 p.m. that the local airport was taken over by government forces. During all this time, the churches were empty of the faithful who could not resist as the noise of bullets and heavy weaponry going off reached their ears. Our pastors struggled to calm the crowds and worship services ended.

We are not mistaken to declare that more than half the population have not had enough to eat because there was no market and stores were closed. The price of food soared and since Monday have been multiplied by four. We do not know if the political frustrations are at the base of the insurrection which began as a disagreement between two ethnic groups over management of fishing ponds and has ultimately taken the form of a poorly organized guerilla movement.

The results of all this are not yet known fully, but there are about 10 dead.

In our Parish of Basoko a church member was killed during the worship service by a government soldier who broke into the church and opened fire on worshipers. May his soul rest in peace.

Our PSP, Rev. ILUMBE is doing well but does not leave his house since Sunday.

We are still happy to inform you that the Armed Forces generally behaved in the right way unlike the civil misdeeds they commit elsewhere. So Mbandaka is a city protected by God.

On Sunday and Monday people did not go out of their houses which had no electricity or water. This Tuesday, April 6 we have timidly been able to go out a little so we can communicate now.

We are very confident about the current security developments. God is
great. Flights resumed at the airport at Mbandaka. A good sign.

We leave you in the hope that you will continue to pray for this city, for the CDCC (Community of Disciples of Christ in Congo) and its leaders, for our pastors and Christians of Mbandaka.

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